As part of the theory test you are required to know what to do in if you are involved in an incident and it’s something that may well happen once you have passed your test but it’s very unlikely to happen during your lessons so it’s something I can’t give you practical experience of. I thought I would write some hints and tips so hopefully you will have a better understanding for your theory test and if it ever happens for real at least you will know what you need to do.
If you are involved in an incident you must stop.
Warn other traffic by switching on your hazards.
If you have one display an advance warning triangle.
Switch off engine and put out cigarettes and other fire hazards.
If necessary call the emergency services. Give them as much information as possible. If using a mobile phone rather than an emergency phone to contact them you will need to know your exact location.
You must call the Police if there are any injuries to people or animals, or any damage to any vehicle or property. You have 24 hours to report it. You will be required to give your name and address, the name and address of the owner of the vehicle, and the registration number of the vehicle. You will also need to provide your insurance details if someone is injured.
Move uninjured people to a place of safety. Don’t move anyone trapped in a vehicle unless they’re in danger. Don’t remove a motorcyclist’s helmet.
Give as much information as you can to any emergency services in attendance.
If yours or another vehicle is carrying dangerous goods make sure you inform the emergency services and keep well away. Do not use a mobile phone near flammable loads.
Note any witnesses and take details of their names and addresses.
Exchange details with the other driver – name, address, phone number, make and registration of their vehicle, and insurance details.
Gather as much information as you can:
Vehicle damage (take pictures if you can)
If anyone is injured
How many people were in the vehicle
Weather conditions
Road conditions
Details of the other vehicle – e.g. the colour and condition, were they using their headlights?, were they indicating?
What was said by you and others
ID numbers for Police
Any other factors
Draw a map and give approximate distances.
Keep a copy of any statements given.
There are some useful checklists out there (such as if you are interested in printing any off to keep in your car just in case.